Green chemistry is the practice of using sustainable, renewable materials in place of harsh chemicals or synthetic compounds. The goal is to reduce waste and pollution, as well as improve safety for consumers. One of the most popular ways to do this is by using plant-derived materials such as rapeseed, soy, castor, coconut, corn and palm oil.

Studies have shown that advances in green chemistry over the past 25 years have improved sustainability when it comes to the development of new cosmetic and personal care products. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at each of these plant-derived materials and discuss why they’re becoming more popular in green chemistry.


Rapeseed is a type of oilseed that is derived from the Brassica napus species of plants. It contains high levels of erucic acid which can be used to create biodiesel fuel or other products such as lubricants, waxes and soaps. Rapeseed oil has also been found to be beneficial for skin care due its natural anti-inflammatory properties and ability to nourish the skin with essential fatty acids.


Soybeans are a type of legume that are frequently used for their high protein content. In green chemistry applications, soybeans are often processed into soybean oil, which can be used in cosmetics and skincare products due its moisturizing benefits. Soybean oil can also be used in industrial lubricants or biofuels.


Castor beans come from the Ricinus communis species of plants and are known for their high castor oil content. This type of oil has a variety of uses including being used as an industrial lubricant or base material for paints, coatings and varnishes. It’s also becoming increasingly popular in cosmetics due to its emollient properties which help keep skin soft and hydrated without clogging pores.


Coconuts are one of the most versatile plant-derived materials out there due to their many uses both internally in certain food products and externally in certain green cosmetic products. Coconut oil has become increasingly popular in natural personal care products such as body wash because it helps nourish skin without stripping away its natural oils or causing irritation like some synthetic ingredients can do. Coconut water has also been gaining popularity among health enthusiasts due its electrolyte content which helps replenish lost fluids during exercise or hot weather activities.


Corn is another very versatile crop that can be used for everything from food items like popcorn or cornmeal to fuel sources such as ethanol or biodegradable plastics made from polylactic acid derived from corn starch molecules. Corn starch is also commonly used as an absorbent material in pharmaceuticals and products in the green chemistry realm because it helps pull excess moisture away from the skin while still providing hydrating benefits at the same time.

Palm Oil

Palm oil is produced by squeezing the fruits that are inside of the oil palm tree. The oil palm tree is typically found in regions around the equator, but it was originally found in West Africa. Today, the oil palm tree is cultivated primarily in Indonesia and Malaysia, the world’s two largest palm oil-producing nations. Now used by both food and non-food manufacturers, palm oil is a very versatile ingredient that also has a number of functional benefits. In order to tell if palm oil is being sourced in a sustainable way, it’s important to check if the manufacturer has their RSPO certification.

At Phoenix Chemical, we recently received our RSPO certification and we are now part of their mission which is bringing together stakeholders from across the palm oil supply chain to develop and implement global standards for sustainable palm oil production.

Utilizing Green Chemistry to Produce Materials That Focus on Sustainability and Reducing Environmental Impact at Phoenix Chemical

Plant-derived materials are becoming increasingly important components in green chemistry applications thanks to their sustainability, renewability, versatility and abundance on our planet today.

Whether you’re looking for ingredients to use in your next skincare product formulation or searching for new ways to reduce your carbon footprint through eco-friendly fuel alternatives, the plant derived materials that we use at Phoenix Chemical have a lot to offer when it comes to promoting sustainability. With so many possibilities available at our fingertips today it’s no wonder why plant derived materials continue to gain popularity within green chemistry applications.

At Phoenix Chemical, we continue to use green chemistry to produce materials that are guaranteed to deliver proven, unique performance that focus on reducing environmental impact. 

Contact us today to learn more about our selection of raw cosmetic materials.