Many of us tend to choose healthy options for when we eat. Just like we value the nutrition we put in our body, the same energy is also being shifted towards skincare. The shift towards clean beauty routines and using products with natural ingredients has gained much momentum over the last few years. Yet finding the best in organic skincare products can be overwhelming, since the market is so heavily saturated with products. In this blog, we are going to provide some insight on which products to use and how to select ones that are ideal for your skin type.

Determining Your Skin Type

Before you go ahead and purchase a medley of organic skincare products, you need to have done significant due diligence to determine your skin type. Skin type is arguably the most important factor in determining what products will work best for you. You might have already discerned this on your own, but those with acne-prone and sensitive skin have to exercise extreme caution with the differing ingredients in the skincare products. For all of our consumers with oily skin, consider yourselves the clear winners here. Oily skin is actually able to better withstand a wider range of ingredients that can sometimes trigger breakouts or irritation for those with other skin types. 

Here are the ingredients you should stick to when choosing organic skincare products:

  • Oily Skin: Look for products that contain alpha hydroxy acids such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and hyaluronic acid. These ingredients can be helpful for controlling excess sebum, while hyaluronic acid will produce hydration in needed areas.
  • Dry Skin: Products that contain shea butter and lactic acid will work well for dry skin sufferers. They provide the much-needed hydration and mild exfoliation, keeping your skin looking radiant.
  • Sensitive Skin: Sensitive skin will do well with aloe vera, oatmeal, and shea butter will function as great moisturizers and will not cause any breakouts.

If you are not completely sure about what skin type you have, a visit to the dermatologist might be on the books for you. Once you have this understanding, you can begin the journey of selecting products with the utmost precision.

Best Organic Skincare For Average Skin

Average skin means your skin doesn’t cling to any extremes. It means you don’t struggle with redness, reactions, breakouts, dryness, or dullness. A basic routine for this skin involves cleansing every night (which should always be done, anyway!), and providing sufficient moisture and sun protection. Exfoliating once a week will also keep cell turnover healthy and allow products to penetrate more efficiently. Suggested ingredients for consumers with average skin include Aloe Vera, Squalane, Jojoba Oil, Zinc Oxide, and essential oils that contain lavender, geranium, and carrot seed.

Best Organic Skincare For Breakout-Prone & Oily Skin

If your skin is oily, or you have a lot of persistent acne, this means your sebaceous glands (pores) are overactive and sebum is getting trapped in the pores, standing a chance of getting infected and inflamed. As with any other health condition, you need to get to the root of the problem. Address matters like diet, stress levels, and hormones with your primary care physician. Once this has been hashed out, you can move on to selecting organic skincare products to support your skin. 

When you strip the skin of too much, it provides feedback to the sebaceous glands that the skin does not have enough oil and puts them back into overdrive, further exacerbating the issue. Instead, use gentle exfoliation for the skin and nourish it with the right balance of oils, training the sebaceous glands to calm down and not produce as much sebum. Try using sea mud, activated charcoal, honey, black cumin seed oil, rosehip seed oil, lavender, cajeput, or thyme.

What To Use For Sensitive Or Reactive Skin

Whether your skin reacts to most ingredients or just a few, it doesn’t have to be all bad! Having the knowledge of your sensitivity will make you more cognizant when choosing products (e.g. reading product labels). Less is definitely more when dealing with sensitive skin. If you happen to react to something, it’s harder to do the investigative work when you’re using a lot of ingredients. Sometimes your skin just needs a break and adequate time to heal. Consider using aloe, vegetable glycerin, honey, sunflower oil, or sweet almond oil to treat your reactive skin.

Why Choose Organic Skincare Products Over Conventional Ones?

For the same reason you would pick organic food over conventional food, natural cosmetics will limit your exposure to chemicals that are potentially potent to your health and our planet. Your skin is like a sponge that absorbs most of what you put on it. There is strong evidence to suggest that ingredients like parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances are causing a host of issues. From endocrine disruption to allergic reactions and chemical sensitivity. By choosing an organic skincare brand or product, you are filtering out potential irritants that could cause damage in the long term.

Organic Skincare Products: Opting For Holistic Remedies With Phoenix Chemical

Choosing organic products is one of many ways to give your body the nourishment and vitality it needs to thrive. Phoenix Chemical is a big advocate of products and sources that adhere to the green chemistry philosophy. To learn more about making the switch to more sustainable methods, contact us today to be enlightened!