Living a healthy lifestyle is more than just eating a healthy diet and maintaining an exercise routine. You wouldn’t gamble with other aspects of your health, so why should your skin care routine be any different? It’s no secret that the cosmetic industry has a broad line of products that are easily accessible at many beauty shops, pharmacies, and grocery stores. Just because these products are easy to get a hold of, does not mean you should be using all of them for the convenience. Instead of playing a guessing game with the ingredients in these products, why not opt for cleaner alternatives? Phoenix Chemical is a big proponent of using natural cosmetics for your daily beauty routine. Let’s answer the question that many consumers have: what harmful cosmetic ingredients should I stay away from?

Will The FDA Protect Me From Harmful Cosmetic Ingredients?

The short answer is no. It’s very easy to put stock in what cosmetic manufacturers and the FDA have to say. They routinely position themselves as subject-matter experts, and as a result, consumer objection is not an issue that comes up very often.. Until recently. These days, across all industries, ours included, customers are shifting their focus towards transparency, authenticity, and safety. Sure, you might get some consumers that will continue to make purchases no questions asked, but this demographic doesn’t account for the masses anymore. Did you know that cosmetic ingredients, apart from color additives, do not require FDA approval before they go to market? 

Other studies have shown that the average woman uses 12 different beauty products every day. What makes matters worse is that many women are exposing themselves to ingredients that have been previously identified as human carcinogens. Despite the harmful ingredients, it’s actually quite easy to shop for safer products for skin care and makeup. You can shop for safer methods or make your own makeup through DIY methods, which is something we have explored in previous posts. Click here to read up on other ways to use natural cosmetics.

Ingredients To Avoid In Skin Care Products

Alphabet Chemistry: Woman Applying Lotion

Here is a breakdown of some ingredients that we want consumers to actively avoid. We aren’t aiming to present this in a way to scare people, rather, it’s our goal to promote the awareness of safety, in hopes that consumers take something from it and make the gradual shift towards natural cosmetics instead.

  • Synthetic Fragrance: This term denotes all engineered scent agents. Their products will often contain a combination of 3,000+ stock chemical ingredients, which include known allergens and identified hormone disruptors. Even with the obvious concerns, fragrance formulas are still protected under U.S. regulations, because they remain classified as a “trade secret”, allowing the classification to remain undisclosed. 
  • Phthalates: DBP, DEHP, and DEP are a class of plasticizing chemicals. Phthalates are responsible for making the fragrances in your skin care products stick to the skin, making the product more pliable. Much research on the subject has suggested that this family of ingredients affects the endocrine system and is toxic to our organs, they can even cause birth defects. The European Union has already taken action in banning this family of ingredients from use in beauty products. 
  • Parabens: Parabens are a family of preservatives that manufacturers use in products to prevent the onset of bacteria and mold. The collection of chemicals found in parabens can act as endocrine disruptors, altering the hormone mechanisms in our bodies. Parabens are used in shampoo, face cleansers, body wash, foundation, and body lotion
  • Retinol: Retinol is a synthetic form of Vitamin A. You can find this in many anti-aging skin care products, but the data paints a grim reality of the formulation. FDA data has indicated that retinoid ingredients can speed up the development of skin tumors and lesions on skin that’s exposed to the sun.

We can go on and on about the potent ingredients found in many of these cosmetic products. If you want to see more ingredients that we didn’t touch on, check out these findings from MedicalNewsToday.

Natural Cosmetics As A Safer Swap

green leaf amid blue sky - all natural beauty products concept image

When looking for a viable alternative, natural cosmetics are the way to go. If you are making this commitment, here are some tips and tricks that can help get you started.

  • Stay away from artificial fragrances: 
  • Avoid purchasing products with wordy labels (stick with words and ingredients that you can easily discern)
  • Opt for natural color
  • Test it out by applying it to the skin
  • Buy from trusted suppliers

Avoiding Harmful Cosmetic Ingredients With Natural Cosmetics

While cosmetic science is always evolving and there are no guarantees when it comes to how a given product will react to your skin type–especially if it is sensitive. However, many products are vigorously tested and re-evaluated. Some ingredients and ingredient categories have been deemed to be unsafe for long-term use. Many consumers have felt that transitioning to natural cosmetic products can help them avoid many of these harmful cosmetic ingredients.

Whether you choose to create or use natural cosmetic products, know that with Phoenix Chemical you are receiving the highest quality cosmetic raw materials that are currently fit for use. With over many years of experience and knowledge in the industry, Phoenix Chemical is more than happy to share our knowledge with you! To learn more about our philosophies and practices, contact us today!